Warren Lancaster

Observer (donors)

Warren Lancaster is responsible at the END Fund for granting to fight five neglected tropical diseases; River Blindness, Bilharzia, Trachoma, Lymphatic Filariasis and Intestinal Worms principally in Africa.

The END Fund is a grant making agency established as an initiative of private philanthropy on the evidence of the return on investment offered by investing in the control and elimination of these 5 diseases. The END Fund was formally established in 2012 and has recruited $75 million to date for this endeavor. Through December 2016, we have invested in NTD control and elimination programs in 25 countries, contributed to the treatment of over 200 million people, funded disease prevalence mapping for over 200 million people, supported training for over 700,000 community health workers and teachers, and provided over 10,000 surgeries to people suffering from advanced stages of trachoma and lymphatic filariasis.

Warren has experience in property and process risk management in his commercial background and in the third sector in the fields of conflict and natural disaster humanitarian assistance, international development and philanthropic investment advising.

Contact details:

Tel: +1 (212) 905 6175
Email: Wlancaster [at] END [dot] org